This is Natalie, your mental performance expert providing tips, tools, and personal experience in the world of sport psychology
As a mental performance coach, I empower athletes to overcome obstacles and achieve success. Something I hope to get across with these blog posts is authenticity and realness. I'm always candid with the athletes I work with about my struggles and the hard days I faced as an athlete. But I also share stories of the good days – the days when I learned new skills, conquered my fears, overcame injuries I was told would end my career, and competed at a national level. I tell these stories to remind athletes that they are not alone.
Every athlete faces challenges. But what motivates athlet

es is the thrill of achieving their goals, overcoming obstacles, and reliving their successes again and again. Success cannot be achieved without failure. That's why it's important to use mistakes, setbacks, and challenges as fuel to conquer anything you set your mind to.
What Can You Expect from our Sport Psych Blog Post?
Tips and strategies for enhancing mental skills related to sports performance, including mental preparation, goal setting, motivation, confidence, focus, and fear managing just to name a few!
Information on current research, trends, and issues in sport psychology.
Useful advice for athletes, coaches, and parents seeking to improve their mental game in sports.
Overall, our sport psychology blog can be an informative and valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their athletic performance!
What's Next?
Stay tuned for more posts that can help you take your mental game from "Ehhh" to "Ohhh Yaaaa I've Got This!" Remember, it's not just about the physical training, it's also about the mental gains. So, let's get our brains in shape and crush those personal records!
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Let's Get Mentally Fit!